Scientific questions
We perform comprehensive analyses and aim to answer various predefined questions. Examples of questions our services can address include:
How do specific drugs or small molecules interact with their target proteins?
How do protein molecules interact with their target proteins?
How do post-translational modifications affect protein-protein interactions?
How do specific mutations affect the structure and function of a protein?
How do genetic variations or disease-associated mutations affect protein-protein interactions?
How do genetic variations or disease-associated mutations affect protein-drug or protein-small molecule interactions?
Can we predict which mutations are likely to be deleterious or disease-causing based on their location and impact on protein stability?
Can mapping disease-associated mutations onto protein structures help in understanding the mechanistic basis of disease phenotypes?
How does the protein’s conformation change upon activation?
Which domains contribute to a certain characteristic of the protein?
By addressing these questions, our services provide valuable insights into protein function, interaction, and the impact of various modifications and mutations.